Finally!! The email you’ve been anxiously awaiting (or not!). Please note that there are a few changes/additions to our registration form.
- Please list all the choir in which you participate, as well as the conductor of each. Wildly enthusiastic singers may need to use another sheet of paper. This should help with the more efficient delivery of music. - Please indicate whether you sing 1st or 2nd in the voice you select. - Enter your height in feet & inches (not centimetres or miles!). These last two items should solve some of the placement-on-risers brouhaha. (Plus, I’m now the proud owner of a very effective loud-hailer [translate megaphone]!!) Ideally, registrations should be all submitted as a group from your choir, using a separate form for each person. Each payment can also be separate, cheques preferably, clearly attached to the corresponding registration. Of course, you may still register individually. Payment needs to be by e-transfer, cheque or money order. We no longer have the ability to accept charge cards without paying for the process — and every few cents count when we’re trying to keep down your fees! Mark is finalizing his program choices and promises to include some favourites from our past concerts. Can we now say “golden oldies”? Joanne Please use a separate registration form for each chorister (or Partner if purchasing a Partner pkg.) Name ___________________________________ Address__________________________________ City _____________________ Prov. __________ Postal Code_______________________________ Tel: Day/Evening __________________________ E-mail __________________________________ I sing: (Please circle) Soprano 1 Soprano 2; Alto 1 Alto 2 Tenor 1 Tenor 2; Bass 1 Bass 2 Please provide the following information to assist with the positioning for the rehearsals & on stage: Height ________ Physical limitations _____________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ In Choir(s) & Conductor(s): ____________________ _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Chorister Fees § $100 Payable by March 31st covers all events. In the event of cancellation there is a $20 non- refundable fee. § Week-end ‘Partner Package’ pass - $75. Payment OptionsCheque or money order payable to Digby Choral Federation send to: Marj Hales, Registrar PO Box 560 Digby, NS B0V 1A0 OR e-transfer to [email protected] Please Note: Due to expenses we can no longer accept a credit card.
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